Vipers @ Rajmachi

With work taking its toll, Rajmachi was the perfect getaway to welcome the onset of monsoons.
This was the first time, I was hitting the trail just as the first drops began to sprinkle.
As with the World economy, the terrain was dry n arid ; awaiting the 'Green Shoots' to sprout ( a FEDonomic term )
It was meant to be a day trek; hoping to reach the top before dark.
However, as with all plans - we were 2 hrs behind schedule; starting the trek @ 6.15 pm. from the base village of Kondivade.
Since it was a 2 man team (self & Rahil), we had to make best of us of remaining daylight to cover as much. Treks in the dark tend to add a completely new dimension & neither of us were keen to push the limits. The mist & steady drizzle meant, it was a pleasant walk.
As circumstances would have it, we managed to cover 3/4th of the distance by 7.45 when darkness finally set in. With only the last patch of uphill to be covered, we took a much needed break; gorging on some juicy mangoes.
Earlier during the day, while scouring the market for food, didn't realise I had to replace torch batteries.. ( gross negligence I must say). Thankfully, Rahil had a powerful headlamp.
No sooner had we started the last patch, my dimming light managed to catch a Olive green creature that had beached itself right on the path. Sheer providence was it, for the torch light to illuminate the fellow sitting a foot length ahead. It took a moment to register; but from images shared earlier by my sis; it had to be a Pit Viper. Though very similar in appearance to a Vine snake, the diamond shaped head & the coiled body position gave it away.
By now, Rahil had joined in, & we were wondering .. what next. For the next few minutes, we were completely fixated at the sight below. The foliage on either side made it difficult to maneuver . Finally Rahil waded his way into the bhush, while I kept a tab on the creepy crawly. Having managed to reach around it, I followed. The bloke did show his irritation at the disturbance around him, but I guess his sights were fixed on a hearty meal (not us :) ).
By now, my torch resembled embers from a cigarette smoke. With the only functional headlamp, we had hardly managed a few steps when Rahil picked up another movement on a branch ahead. Damm ..another Viper, this time towards the edge of the route. As earlier, we had to wade into the bushes to avoid being in the firing line. In our excitement (read FEAR...!!) no snaps were clicked... only objective was to get our ass out. After seeing the second bloke, we were having visions of a Viper hanging from every branch... H1NI seemed like common cold, while we were in the midst of Viper Pandemic .....!!
Rest of the journey was uneventful and neither of us were complaining. We were just 2 zapped by the turn of events; only to be rejuvenate by the sumptuous dinner (Pithle bhakri, rice n dal )
Returned back the next day...hoping to complete the long planned Rajmachi - Bhimashankar - Ahupe trekathon; this season.
Encountering snakes during the day & at night .... seem to impact the psyche in unique ways.
Rajmachi always for me will remain a fab destination long as daylight exists :) else it is Trepidition time....
Did someone say.. trekkers have short term memory ;)
Presently .... Upgrading my Creep Crawly Gyan...
(the image was not taken by us; since we had far 2 many things to imagine. it was googled !! )